
“Opportunities not only
will be or may be
but are right now.”

Rose Clothing Manufacturing and Service Ltd.’s predecessor in title has been established in 1989. The name originates from my mother’s name, Rózsa, the Hungarian word for rose. Though my name is not Rose, the brand doublerose refers to our cooperation.

The first sewing shop has been established in the cellar of our house in Kecskemét. It was here where I first got in touch with this trade while walking between the knitting and sewing machines after school. Luckily production has soon outgrown the cellar we are working in our own production hall since 20 years, our staff grows, the variety of clothing produced is expanding according to customer’s demand continuously.

Meanwhile I have managed sewing plants of multinational companies for years both abroad and in Hungary, thus I got acquainted with the features of big production units, where I have got the hang of the trade.  

We put growing emphasis on innovative technologies which are decreasing the environmental footprint of the textile industry and provide fabrics, which correspond to the high quality, technology and comfort expectations of today.

Our new brand of smart work apparel, doublerose TorTex powered by 37.5® technology, not only matches but often exceeds these expectations.

Our products offers antibacterial and antiviral features and prevents 99,9% of the reproduction of H1N1 virus and Staphylococcus bacteria on the garment.

This opens new, exciting business possibilities for our company. Responding to urgent market needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic situation, first results of our gradual transition to this new material led to our new collection of healthcare uniforms. The fabric features properties, which are extremely important for the healthcare industry, such as enhanced comfort and the prevention of further bacterial and viral reproduction on the skin surface.

Therefore our shirts, coats, trousers and tunics get a new design successively. Made of innovative smart fabric, sporting a new design and backed up by exceptional testing experiences we offer our product line primarily to employees in healthcare, hotels and catering, as well as professionals of other trades.   Beside the recently mentioned virus protection and the support of heat management these novelties of the textile industry are unique in their durability in this category.

We are initiating a modernisation process aiming to expand the sewing capacity, create an automated tailoring and would like to install special machines in the plant.

This modernisation helps us to keep our customers, to develop the quality of our products and expand our product line with innovative items.


Dóra Bogdanovics

managing director

A new level of personal protection equipment made by doublerose Ltd.

World premiere of the doublerose TorTex powered by 37.5® technology collection.

Recently finished testing of the Swiss SGS, the world’s leading testing and verification institute confirmed that the fabric used to manufacture our products offers antibacterial and antiviral features and prevents 99,9% of the reproduction of H1N1 virus and Staphylococcus bacteria on the garment. This is a very important achievement for the healthcare.

We mustn’t forget that the danger of infection of healthcare personnel fighting COVID in the frontline is five times higher than under normal circumstances. The additional protection provided by the garment of doublerose TorTex powered by 37.5® technology can make the difference between well-being and infection, health and sickness, or even life and death. The work apparel produced from this unique fibre, with this special technology, the blended in natural particles create a new level of smart personal protection equipment.

Beside the enhanced personal protection doublerose TorTex powered by 37.5® technology offers even more exceptional features. The garment enhanced by this special production technology functions like a thermostat. The fibre is blended with special natural particles, which have a very interesting way of handling vapor ie. sweat and heat. The particles transfer the sweat to the surface and evaporate is very quickly. Therefore the drying rate is up to 6 times higher than the requirements of the US industry standard. The discomfort of clothes always damp from sweat are history. The excess heat of a body in stress or high motion is released the same way. If the external temperature is low, the IR radiated by the body is reflected back to the skin keeping it warm.   

The perception of comfort is highest at the body’s most comfortable temperature. Taking this into consideration if the body starts to heat up, this unique air conditions goes off. Should the temperature drop to unpleasantly cold, the heating starts.

37.5® technology is a heat regulator, it provides you the highest comfort in spite of changing conditions.

Why is doublerose Tortex powered by 37.5® technology garment superior to  usual clothes?

Dr. Kocsis Andrea

Dr. Kocsis Andrea

Plastic surgeon


For me as a plastic surgeon the outstanding advantage of the doublerose TorTex work apparel is the antibacterial and antiviral fabric, thus providing even greater security to my patients during work. This is comforting for me, too, so I can concentrate to my duties easier. As I am working from the morning till the evening almost without break it is especially important for me, that I hardly get overheated and feel much more comfortable after a long day’s work.

Dr. Majoros Márk

Dr. Majoros Márk

Family Doctor


doublerose TorTex medical garment means more than only comfort and enhanced infection security to me. Thanks to its convenient tailoring and the excellent fabric it is a comfortable and pleasant work apparel even after a whole day’s wear. As I meet a lot of different people and face a lot of different bacteria and viruses all day long, the antibacterial and antiviral feature providing high level security to me and my patients is exceptionally important to me. The future of my children is very important to me, so I value the natural fibre and other natural components granting the sustainability I am looking for.

Kecskeméti Krisztián és Kovács Sándor

Kecskeméti Krisztián és Kovács Sándor



There is always quite a good turnout in the kitchens of trendy and frequented restaurants. We cook, bake, grill, blanche, sous-vide hundreds of meals during each shift. We have 22 heat sources in our kitchen, which radiate heat simultaneously in peak hours. We think, there is no need to describe the fervency in spite of the air conditioning. Thus we value the doublerose TorTex chef’s coat extremely high as the 37.5® technology functions as an additional air conditioning helping us to cope with the high temperatures.

Interested in testing?

Send us an application and join our testing team!

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